40 Minutes of Funk
40 Minutes of Funk
Australian alt-pop duo JUNO joins me from their touring car to chat about miming musicians, baby names, a love for ramen, and more!
Check out JUNO!
Website: https://www.junoisaband.com
Social: https://www.facebook.com/juno.aus | https:/www.instagram.com/juno.aus
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5rxsXE7ZCWfW3ft7Dc5eyu?si=rX_B8db6SaqZlhaNR2dpfA
40 Minutes of Funk is an interview podcast focusing on Funk practitioners, their philosophies, and their music. Listen on all podcast networks and please subscribe, rate, and leave feedback for the show. Follow on social media: https://www.facebook.com/40minutesoffunk | https://instagram.com/40minutesoffunk | https://twitter.com/40minutesoffunk.
Support at only $5/month or more and receive exclusive perks at https://www.patreon.com/40minutesoffunk. Check out the website for more info at http://www.40minutesoffunk.com!
Listen to my funk radio show, Tonic: The Funky Groove Show, every Friday night, 9-11 PM Central at http://www.kgou.org and follow on social media: https://www.facebook.com/FunkyGrooveShow | https://www.instagram.com/funkygrooveshow/ | https://twitter.com/funkygrooveshow - thanks!